Faith Formation

This Ministry Area shall have as a central purpose fostering spiritual growth for all ages.  It oversees the educational ministries of this congregation (with the exception of that of the Nursery School).

  • Education Ministries
    • Periodic or regular adult classes
    • Bible Study
    • Confirmation ministry
    • Intergenerational events
    • Faith formation processes for new members

Interested in Deepening Your Faith?

As many of you know, for a number of years St. Stephen’s has offered an adult faith formation process called Voyage.  This process, which takes place in the midst of community, gives adults the chance to make a journey of faith with both new and existing members of the congregation.

All that is required is a commitment to explore the riches of our faith through Word, Sacrament and sharing with each other.  If you are interested in becoming a part of Voyage, we need to know soon so we can start our planning.  If there are people interested in deepening their faith commitment through Voyage, we will begin in September, and celebrate baptism and affirmation of faith at the Easter Vigil next year.  For further information, please contact Pr. Joann at the church (516) 931-0710 or by email

Here are some recent Faith Formation activities:

Bible Study at St. Stephen’s

August 2024 – There’s Nothing Minor about These Prophets!
We had a six week course on twelve short prophetic books. They are sometimes called “the minor prophets” not because of their significance but because of their length. We reflected on how many of the so-called “minor prophets” are familiar because they are used at worship throughout the church year.

June 2024 – Bible Study – Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation
By popular demand, this six week course focused on Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation. We had a conversation about Luther’s movement from the Catholic Church, his work with Philip Melanchthon, and the beginnings of the Lutheran reform. We also explored how the Reformation spread ni the 16th century.

March 2024 – Lenten Bible Study – Themes of Lent
We held a six week course on twelve short prophetic books. They are sometimes called the minor prophets, not because of their significance, but because of their length. We reflected on how many of the so-called minor prophets are familiar because they are used at worship throughout the church year.

WELCA Bible Study

September 2024 – WELCA Conference Bible Study
Led by Pastor Rebecca Sheridan (pastor of Faith Lutheran Church) at Cedar Creek Park in Seaford

June 2024 – WELCA Conference Bible Study
Led by Pastor John Hickey at Cedar Creek Park, Seaford. Topic: After Certainty: Curiosity.

May 2024 – WELCA Conference Bible Study
Led by Pr. Rebecca Sheridan (Faith Lutheran, Syosset) at Cedar Creek Park, Seaford. Topic: Mental health and Wellness.

April 2024 – WELCA Conference Bible Study
Led by Pr. Micah Stumme at Cedar Creek Park.

March 2024 – WELCA Conference Bible Study
Led by Pr. Rebecca Sheridan at Faith Lutheran.