Come Worship With Us:
- Mar 30 9:30 AM – Fourth Sunday in Lent Zoom
- Diaper Month for Lutheran Social Services
Don’t forget that February is DIAPER month. Sizes 3, 4 and 5 are most needed. You can also donate adult diapers if you have any. Remember, we hope to be able to fill the back of our delivery truck!
- Easter Food Baskets
Lutheran Social Services has once again invited us to provide Easter Food Baskets to their New Life Center. A list of requested food items can be found on the shelf in the Narthex.
- Family Pasta Night
Boy Scout Troop 291 will be holding their Family Pasta Night on April 27th at 4:00. Ticket / reservation forms can be found on the shelf in the narthex.
- Lutheran Bible Study
Significant Themes of the Lenten Season Mondays at 7pm beginning March 10th through April 7th Join zoom meeting
- Donations:
If you would like to mail or stop in at the church office with your offering please do so. You can also donate online by clicking here which will open a donation page. Read the directions on this page and then press the donation button